Sunday, August 30, 2009

Slow but Steady

It has been awhile since my last update, a bad USB cable made it impossible to download photos for a week. Work continues trying to get the interior of the boat ready for primer. The first photo shows thickened epoxy in the rubrail holes. Before filling them I cleaned each one out with the drill as some of the holes had wasp nest in them. In fact one crawled into a hole while I was drilling so it got drilled also. The second photo shows all the seats after they were glues and all the masking had been removed. Last weekend I sanded the out-wale, in-wale and all the spaces between the two and coated them with two coats of epoxy. Last week after work I caught up on some yard work and did not work on the boat any. Friday and Saturday were spent sanding the hull. I finished sanding the fairing compound on the inside and sanded some runs from when the gun-wales were clear coated. I also sanded all the thwarts, first with 80 then 150 and finally with 220 grit sand paper. Last night I rolled a coat of epoxy over the hull and seats. This morning a few bugs were sanded out of the first coat and a second coat was rolled on. After the second coat was tack free I rolled a third coat on the hull only. The seats had out-gassed while the second coat was curing so they were left alone. In the third photo some of the bubbles are visible, they are the smaller white flecks around the large white spot in the photo. That is the center seat which bubbled the worse, the other two have only a few bubbles. The boat will be allowed to cure for a full day and then it will be given a final sanding to prepare it for primer. The seats will also be sanded to smooth out the bubbles, and then they will be given another coat of epoxy.

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