Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fitting the inwales

This past weekend I epoxy coated the inwales and dry fit them to the boat with wood screws. As none of my C-clamps were large enough to span the width of the outwale, inwale and spacer blocks I purchased two 12" ratcheting bar clamps from Harbor Freight. I also glued the cleats for the breast hook and transom knees to the boat. On Monday evening I began to cut and sand the mahogany planks for the thwarts (shown on the small table). Also on the table with the thwarts are the breast hook and transom knees. These items will not be installed until I have faired the frames, inner bow and lower transom as they will make access to these areas of the interior more difficult. These items along with the inwales are the last pieces of wood that will be permanently attached to the boat. As some of the pictures show, lately I've taken to using the boat as a storage area for tools, clamps, glueing weights etc. I began removing some of these items tonight and will remove the rest of them before beginning the fairing process. I also removed the inwales and trimmed the ends to fit under the breasthook and transom knees.

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